
The word “place” is a confusing word. What is a place? A space that we have given an identity? Following this same rule, we could say that those spaces not invested with identity would be a sort of “No places”. A non-place can be anything from a highway to an airport to an open-pit mine. Nature is full of non-places that are just waiting to be redefined, reconquered, rethought. Non-places have the potential to be open to investigation and this is what we will try to investigate by turning the choreographer, dramaturgy and dance into a kind of hybrid instruments halfway between ethnography/anthropology and poetics; halfway between the dancer and the flâneur willing to wander among the rubble and debris of a non-place that one day may have been a place or could be a place again.



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Luoghi Dossier

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Directed and choreographed by: Elías Aguirre Performers: Diego Pazó, Nicolás Martínez, Elías Aguirre Music: Ed is Dead