Under the lens of a magnifying glass we observe two small beings. Maybe humans, maybe insects. Encounters, looks, challenges defined by territoriality, to the conquest of empty spaces.
Entomo‘s creativity is reminiscent of Bosch in his hyperrealist technique – meticulous, brilliant, subtle brushstrokes – (…) his fabulous and hallucinatory imagery is of a thrilling beauty. Rosa SANZ
1st prize at the VII Certamen Iberoamericano de Coreografía Alicia Alonso CIC’2010
1st prize at the Certamen Internacional de Coreografía Burgos – New York 2010
Finalist at the Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid 2009, winner of:
– Audience Award
– Conservatorio Superior de Danza Award
– Artistic Residence
Collaboration between Álvaro Esteban and Elías Aguirre(entomo.es).